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  • #1639
    Stacy Okai

    Have you worked on any projects that may impact the community? If so, what are they, and how does it impact the community?

    mishal alqattan

    I was a part of an organization back in Kuwait a few years ago. The project was a website that helps needy people. The person will fill out an application with his/her information, and documents show that they need help. Also, the person will get an email saying they are approved to get help, and the volunteers will deliver the stuff. This project was so basic on creating it, but it impacts the community in many ways. Firstly, other people start donating clothes, supplies, and money for the organization. It helps needy people have the things they need and create a smile on their faces. I was so glad to be a part of this project.

    Stacy Okai

    Wow, that’s a great way to help others in need and get the community involved. Thanks for sharing!

    Min-Seo Song

    Mishal that’s great to hear that such a “basic” project impacted many lives of the homeless. I’m glad that the project was successful!

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