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In conclusion, the goal for this project was met. The device was able to monitor and record data while appending and saving the data on an SD card.

Moreover, using the Arduino Nano along with Version 2 of the final test circuit, we were able to determine when the MROC moved and stopped moving forward, as well as when the MROC moved and stopped moving in reverse.



The date and time of each case were documented by the data logger and saved on to a file on the SD card. 

The file can be opened, and the information can be read in Excel where further analysis can be completed. 

Moreover, the component can be installed inside of the Go Baby Go vehicle and replicated as needed. 

The UTHSC group needed a device that would be able to track children’s interaction with the MROC vehicles, and we were able to design and program a device that does just that.

Data logging can be accomplished in many ways. Our blog provides an overview of some of the methods we used to accomplish the data logging task.  

This project demonstrates an application and the capabilities of a data logger utilized to monitor Go Baby Go vehicle interaction and sensor variables, and the project highlights the data logger’s ability to aid in research.


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